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Conveyor belt for bulk "TN" series


These STANDARD belt conveyor are made by modules long up to 4 meters, can become very long (from 1,2mt to over 50mt), also are available in 4 widths and can carry up to over 100m3/h.


The conveyor belts rubber series "TN" find their use in the transport of bulk material small and medium size.


These conveyors can be used in all sectors, such as ceramic, in the transport of clay for the transportation of rice, cereals, sand, glass and any other loose material and dusty.


The belt of this series is complete with many accessories, some of which can be found listed alongside.


Search the size and accessories for the conveyor belt most appropriate in the brochure here below, alternatively you can contact us:


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Standard Conveyor belt. Model "TN" light-medium

Italian version


Conveyor belt motor headConveyor belttail belt conveyor


Conveyor widths available in flat configuration: 400, 500, 600, 800mm

Conveyor widths available with "two" 2 roll idlers: 400, 500, 600mm

Conveyor widths available with "tree" 3 roll idlers: 600, 800mm



Accessories for conveyor belt:

Each accessory can also be customized according to your needs of transport.

  • Sideboards for containment bulk material.
  • Upper and lower coverings.
  • Control Systems for speed and breaking belt.
  • Belt weighing system (continuous weighing conveyor / belt scales).
  • Electro pneumatic unloader (switcher).
  • Support frame.
  • Bidirectional conveyor belt.
  • Wheels with motorized axles, for horizontal movements.
  • Belt with oil resistant and/or heat resistant elastomers.
  • ...

tail belt conveyor



see also: | edilveyor (construction conveyors) | heavy belt conveyor (TPN series) | contact us |

 CF System srl Impianti trasportatori - via dell'industria,22/35  41018 San Cesario - Modena - Italia  tel: 0039 059 921306 fax: 0039 059 921314